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ASH Upper School (Grades 8-12)

皇冠365官方app的哲学源自于1800年由圣. Madeleine Sophie Barat and brought to America in 1818 by St. Philippine Duchesne.

The school offers a challenging college preparatory curriculum where students are not only encouraged to acquire the basic skills to continue their education, 同时也鼓励学生培养对学习的热爱和将知识应用于道德的能力, 知识, and social questions. While focusing on the individual, the school endeavors to provide opportunities for students to develop a concern for others through the sharing of experiences by students and faculty from diverse cultural, 少数民族, religious and socio-economic backgrounds.

Our unique and challenging 荣誉项目 is an individualized course of study that allows students to explore a topic of interest and to demonstrate their 理解 through a capstone project.  其标准提倡成长心态、主动学习、全球学习和学术诚信. 


College Acceptance Rate


Student:Teacher Ratio


class of 2022 choosing stem majors



Upper School (8th Grade - 12th Grade)

Upper School Administration

安吉拉hymel                                    部门主管

劳伦lafosse                              dean of students

charlotte lahaye,    Ed.D, NBCT   
curriculum coordinator


“荣誉课程通过一种动态的方式培养学生的21世纪学习技能, multidisciplinary curriculum that promotes innovation, 协作, critical thinking, and problem solving. 随着学生在高中的职业生涯中学习该课程, they have opportunities to apply their learning to real-world situations and to leave a meaningful impact on their world. "

-Roxanne Guillory,荣誉项目主任,高中英语教师